Safe Snack List

To ensure all students are safe at school, Bettendorf Community School District Elementaries follow a “Safe Snack and Celebration List.” We have considered feedback from parents and staff members and are providing a revised list for daily snacks and celebrations. Food items entering the classroom must be from this list. If a snack/celebration item is brought in and is not on this list, it will be sent home. This list is effective between the hours of 8 am - 3:30 pm. Thank you for supporting our district as we strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all students!
See below or Link to PDF file
Safe Snack List
* Items with a symbol stating they are made in a dedicated peanut/tree nut free facility are acceptable options
Category | Options |
Cereal Bars |
Crackers |
Fruits | Fresh, Cupped, or Dried Applesauce Cup - Squeezable Fruit Pouch |
Fruit Snacks/Bars |
Pretzels or Chips |
Pop Corn/Puffs |
Proteins |
Pudding Cups* | Any variety (NOT brand specific) |
Yogurt | Tube or Cup* |
Vegetables | Whole fresh veggies or individually packaged servings |

Birthday/Celebration List
The below items are only allowed for birthdays/class celebrations- limited to 1 serving per student. Please consider bringing non-food items for celebrations instead of food (i.e. stickers, pencils, erasers, etc).
Items with a symbol stating they are made in a dedicated peanut/tree nut free facility are acceptable options.
Category | Options |
Packaged Cookies/Baked Goods |
Candy |
Frozen Treats |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can my child bring a treat to share for their birthday?
A: Yes. You can send a snack from the Daily Safe Snack List OR an item from the Birthday/Celebration List to share with classmates. Please only send one serving per student. You may also bring in non-food items for celebrations instead of food (i.e. stickers, pencils, erasers, etc).
Q: How does this affect holiday parties?
A: There will be two classroom holiday parties each year: Winter and Valentine’s Day. Classroom teachers/room parent(s) will coordinate a snack from the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List for the classroom party.
Q: What about treats attached to Valentines?
A: Students may only attach food items to Valentine cards if the item is on the Daily Safe Snack List OR an item from the Birthday/Celebration List. You may also attach non-food items such as stickers, pencils, erasers, etc.
Q: May I bring homemade treats from home to share at a classroom party?
A: No. All snacks and treats served during the school day must come from the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List.
Q: What about pre-packaged treats from the store?
A: All party treats and snacks in the classroom must be listed on the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List.
Q: May I still pack whatever I want in my child’s sack lunch from home?
A: Yes. Packing a nutritionally balanced school lunch is encouraged, but there are no restrictions as to what you choose to pack in your child’s lunch brought from home.
Q: If my child brings an individual snack to school, does it need to be on the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List?
A: Yes. In an effort to protect students with food allergies, all food entering the classroom for a snack or celebration must come from the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List.
Q: What about foods that the teacher uses in connection to students’ work and learning since these items may not be on the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List?
A: With administrator approval, teachers may choose to serve foods in the classroom that have connections to instructional themes and plans. Without exception, when a teacher serves food in the classroom that is not on the BCSD Safe Snack and Celebration List, the items will continue to be nut free and a note will be sent home prior to the event to provide parents the opportunity to opt out of the food event.
Q: What about beverages?
A: Plain water is the only beverage allowed in the classroom (unless there is a medical need on file for an alternative). Children are encouraged to bring and frequently refill a personal water bottle.
Q: Does the Safe Snack List apply to before/after school activities?
A: No. These guidelines are only in place during regularly scheduled school hours.
Q: What if I have questions or a suggestion to share?
A: You may contact your elementary school nurse or the BCSD Nutrition and Wellness Manager via email.